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This post is more-or-less a follow up from REVIEW | THE WORLD'S BEST CHEESEBURGER – MERAN CAFÉ & RESTAURANT - pretty self explanatory but please read if you have not already.

I have never been back to one restaurant so many times in four straight days.

Meram has become one of my favourite European restaurants and I honestly cant wait to go back and sample other foods (particularly desserts) from their tasty menu.

Each time I visited Meram, I sampled a different dessert and have probably never found it harder to order a dessert than I did where I was there. Everything sounded great and I honestly was just torn for choice. Eventually, I did choose and boy did I make the right choices! Below are the three sexy-ass desserts I would definitely recommend! Enjoy :P


Choice number one is what we would call a choclate sundae. Two scoops of creamy vanilla ice cream, perfectly whipped cream and milk chocolate sauce for dipping and drizzling, topped with a wafer, chocolate sauce and garnish – this dessert really did hit the spot! The chocolate sauce was just amazing, smooth, milky and not at all too rich like some other dessert sauces. I tried so hard to find out what the little green things were – of course, the staff had no idea what I was trying to say but did however, understand the words “nuts” and nodded their heads profoundly. I'm going to go with my gut and assume that they were pistachio nuts.


Choice number two was again, a sundae. This time with strawberries and no drizzled sauce but it did still come with chocolate sauce for dipping. To be honest, this dessert was just as good as the first (minus the chocolate) – no faults here.


Choice number three – possibly one of the best waffles I have ever had! So warm, so tasty! And topped with both fresh, chopped strawberries and a chocolate drizzle. It was so, so good. The strawberries and waffles together really complimented each other and of course, served with more beautiful whipped cream. I dread to think of the amount of calories these three meals put together contained.. Eek!


For me, the winner of these three sexy desserts has got to be the chocolate sundae. Really it was between the chocolate sundae and the waffles. The strawberry sundae was still great and all, but possibly lacking a little chocolate drizzle for presentation. As I shared the waffle dessert, I think I had just the right portion, but had I ate the whole dessert for myself, I'm pretty sure it would have started to get a tad bit sickly.


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