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My AWESOME Surprise Birthday in Dubai (Part 3)

So it’s day three of our birthday celebrations and we headed down to the beach in Jumeirah after breakfast (pssst.. if you have not yet caught up, you should probably check out parts one and two and then meet me back here 😉).


The heat that day was insaaaaane and although the beach was only about 5-7 minutes walk away from our hotel, I was literally dripping by the time we reached the boardwalk. Kinda gross, I know, but also the perfect excuse to enjoy a tasty coconut and all it’s juices (lol). My gosh. It was delicious - Ice cold, naturally sweet and served with a little umbrella and the flower chain featured above which I wore around my neck all day (unil it got itchy)! How cute. Such great customer service.

It was so nice to just have a little moment to take in the fact that we were actually in Dubai and to just relax, what with all of the surprises and running around over the last few days. The sky was bright blue with not a cloud in sight, the sea was a beautiful turquoise shade and so warm to walk into. I have never dipped my feet into a sea so warm, it was amazing. The sand was so hot and fine, and the air was thick and sweet. We chilled for a little while on the sun beds - sunbathing, playing cards or crossword puzzles, napping, etc. It was a great afternoon spent relaxing before we had to pack up and head to the gift shop before lunch.

Dubai 2017



Sister Sister

My Lovely Sister

Hello There!

Jumeirah Beach

Jumeirah Beach

Jumeirah Beach


Later, as we got ready for dinner, I wondered what other surprises could possibly lay ahead. My sister would not tell us a thing, as per usual. Again, we were instructed to ‘dress pretty’ and head down to the concierge to hop in the taxi. Here we go again ... 🤗 We pulled up at a very posh looking hotel, surrounded by very well dressed staff who greeted and thanked people as they were coming and going. We were then escorted to an outdoor part of the hotel which was surrounded by in-house restaurants, shops and a beautiful man made river.. A gentleman pulled up in an abra (a boat similar to a gondola) and helped us on board! It was such a beautiful little boat ride - calm waters and pretty sunsets, before we reach our destination - Pai Thai - a lovely ‘floating’ Thai restaurant within the hotel! The restaurant was surrounded by water and had beautiful tall palm trees wrapped in fairy lights which warmy lit up the area as evening dawned upon us.

As we were a little early, we took the opportunity to take a few photos and then relax before we were greeted and ushered to our table where we enjoyed plenty of prawn crackers and cocktails before our meal arrived. For my main dish, I enjoyed Gai Hor Bai Toey (crispy marinated chicken wrapped in Pandan leaf with a sweet soya sauce) and Khao Phad Khai (egg friend rice with sugar and soya sauce). Gosh it was amazing - I would totally recommend this dish, however, try not to make the same mistake as me where I began eating the Pandan leaf before realising that this was for presentation and was not to be consumed!! 🙈🙈 Awks.

Girls Trip

Me and Mum

Waiting For Our Water Taxi

Pai Thai

Beautiful Scenery

Water Taxi

Pai Thai Restaurant

Pai Thai Restaurant

Amazing Sunset

After dinner, we were absolutely stuffed! So stuffed in fact, that the restaurant arranged a buggy-taxi to collect us and drop us back to the main part of the hotel where you could then order your taxi to go home.


As a final farewell before we had to go back to the room and begin packing for the journey home, my sister arranged for the taxi driver to drop us to Dubai Marina which was a little walk away from where we were staying near Jumeirah Beach. Should I revisit Dubai some day, I would love to come back here. As we walked along the marina, we came across plenty of restaurants, bars and shisha bars along with loads of promotors trying to lure us in with special offers and deals on food, drink and shisha. Sadly, we had to turn them all down as we had just eaten and were still a little bloaed but it was nice to walk through the area to see what each place had to offer and the views of the city from the marina at night were just amazing! Dubai has a way of lighting up at night time and making everything look so pretty and tranquil.

Views from the Marina

Another Burj

Pai Thai

Pai Thai

Pai Thai - Cocktails

Pai Thai - Main Meal

Pai Thai - Prawn Cocktails

I can safely say that this trip to Dubai stole my heart and I am itching to go back - maybe this time for a week or two, at least. Until next time Dubai 💖



Hey! Did you only just start reading? If so, you can check out:

- Part 1 HERE

- Part 2 HERE

- My 'Hello Dubai' YouTube video HERE

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